Friday, July 1, 2011

in love

i know i know all i do is post music videos. . . .  but i can't remember the last time i fell in love with a band like I have with Glasvegas. i seriously can't get enough!!! i promise you will fall in love!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

So here is a video that was made of our fashion show. It turned out very well.

Friday, April 22, 2011

What would you do?

If you were offered a job to work in Afghanistan would you take it?

I assume most of you would say no in a heartbeat. As for me, I am really considering it. I would be working for a college that provides educational opportunities for servicemen to gain an education while deployed. I would basically be an academic adviser.

Here is a list of reasons why I should go:
1) An Adventure (I've been studying the Middle East this last semester and I think it what be neat to be able to go there).
2) I wouldn't be on the front line. I would be on the base, totally safe. So my overall safety would not be a concern.
3) I would be making good money that could help pay off a good chunk of my student loans.
4) My training would be in Germany for about a month. BOMB!
5) It would only be for 6 months. Afterward, with the money I was able to earn and save while working I could easily travel Europe. (It will probably be winter, so I would probably stick to the Mediterranean).
6) I think this could be a good missionary opportunity.
7) Also I've really been wanting an experience that will help me grow as an individual and become stronger.  I believe this could definitely help me achieve such a thing.

Here are some cons:
1) I would probably be gone for Christmas (but it's not like I haven't done that before).
2) I would be in Afghanistan, so there is always some risk involved. Again, I would only be on the base.
3) I would be working 77 hours a work. SUCKS!!! But then again it's only for 6 months. Also I think working all those hours would be kind of an honor. In a sense I would be giving back to the many soldiers that serve our nation.

Those are my thoughts on the matter. Decisions. Decisions.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Update this!!!!!

Where to begin?

1) I've decided not to move to NYC :( The closer it got, the more it didn't feel right. In the moment it felt so good. I thought I was made to be a New Yorker. Who knows? Maybe someday I will make it there, but for right now I am relying that what I was feeling was for some reason I don't know yet.

2) So I had told my employer that I was moving to NYC and before I could tell them that I was no longer going they hired someone else. Which is totally my fault. But there is nothing I can do now. They have been nice enough to let me stay working there through May. Hopefully in the mean time I can find a job. I have no idea what I want to do with my life. I am trying to be patient that I will end up going where I need to go.

3) Two Saturdays ago I had my big fashion show. This year it was sooooo legit. Last year was good. But wow!!! this year was phenomenal! (Not to boast or anything!!!) I promise as soon as I get pics I will post them. Some people suggested that I go into event planning, hmmmm!

4) It was fun to have these 2 critters come visit from NYC.
Sad not to have these guys as roomies, but hope to be able to visit them soon!

5) I graduate on Thursday/Friday!!!!!

6) Sunday was a bitter sweet day. My Bishop of 3 years was released. I am happy that he will now be able to spend time with his family.  He made so many sacrifices for each one of us in our ward.  I can't begin to explain how eternally grateful I am to have known this man.  He has seen me at the lowest point in my life. Not once did he judge me. He never turned his back on me, but saw me for who I really am.  He saw potential in me and encouraged me to be my best self. 

Each member in the bishopric meant so much to me these last couple of years. They had given me so much. I can't publicly tell you the many things they did and said to me because I hold those memories dear to my heart.  I wanted to share something with them for once, something that means so much to me.

The following is an exerpt from the letter I wrote each of them:

"I am an avid reader of Holocaust literature.  Out of all the many books I have read on the subject, this book, The Hiding Place, has impacted my life the most.  You may have already read it, for it is a well-known book.  Its message is of hope.  About three years ago, before I moved into the ward I began to feel that I was alone and that I had been forgotten.  As I read this book, I was reminded that despite the evil that may surround us, there is much to be grateful for.  When everything seems so bleak and out of control, there is reason to have hope.  Though I felt like there could not possibly be anyone that knew exactly what I was going through in that moment, I was reminded that there was one person that understood my pain, my Heavenly Father.  I wanted to share this book with you because it was in this book I was reminded that there was still good in the world; that there are still loving, genuine and selfless individuals such as you that exist."

As I said my goodbyes, as I hugged Bishop McCurdy, I bawled like a freakin baby. It was ridiculous. I think the whole ward thinks I am freak now, more than they already did haha.  It is weird to think that this man who had been like a father figure to me these last 3 years as I have lived away from home is now gone.
"Every experience God gives us, every person He puts in our lives, is the perfect preparation for the future that only He can see." ~Corrie Ten Boom

Sunday, March 6, 2011

presenting . . . .

I'd like to introduce you to Icicle Dust! My girl Devo and her BFF Dakota have partnered up to make some pretty amazing music. They are coming to perform at my fashion show in a month. I can't wait!!!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I wish winter was all year long. I want this!